
Stacking Your Opponent From The Spider Guard

You know those moves you see that make you go “Damn it! Why didn’t I think of that before?!” Well, this is one of those moves, and it’s literally been under your nose the entire time. Click play on the video above to learn one of the easiest ways to kill the spider guard and set yourself up in prime position to enter the [...]

How To Pass Romulo Guard

There are two key problems you need to be aware of when stuck in the Romulo guard. One, there is a danger that your opponent’s spider hook will tilt you off balance when you try to free your arms or settle into your base. Two, your opponent’s grip on your collar makes it impossible to keep your posture. So, how do you deal with [...]

Throw By Pass Against Spider Guard

Every now and then, you’re going to come across an opponent whose spider guard grips and hooks are just too strong for you to weave your hands free. And the worst part is, the longer you stay there trying to weave your hands free, the greater the risk you face of succumbing to the triangle, omoplata and more. In this video, Keenan reveals a [...]

How To Neutralize Spider Guard Grips

Stuck in the web that is your opponent’s spider guard? Trying to weave your hand free like you were shown in class but for some reason, you can’t get it to work? Not anymore! In this video, you’ll discover key details many people miss when trying to free their arms from the spider guard, so you can break those grips and give yourself a [...]

Longstep Passing The Lasso Guard

In this video, Keenan reveals a handy little hack to help you weave your hand free from your opponent’s lasso and score yourself 3 points using the longstep pass. And if you’re still struggling to break your hand free, Keenan’s got another little trick up his sleeve to get the job done, no matter how hard your opponent tries to stop you.

Deadlifting And Stacking To Beat The Lasso

In this video, you’ll learn the easiest method for breaking free of the lasso guard… … like literally the easiest. Trust us, unwinding the lasso doesn’t have to be difficult and if you can stand up, you can do this move. Click play on the video above to find out more.

Using The Belt Grip To Unwind The Lasso

The lasso guard is hands down one of the most frustrating guards to pass in all of jiu jitsu, because once it’s locked on, it can be an absolute nightmare to get off. In this video, you’ll discover two simple little hacks you can use to stop that lasso dead in its tracks.

Beating The Lasso Early: How To Unwind The Lasso

The lasso guard is hands down one of the most frustrating guards to pass in all of jiu jitsu, because once it’s locked on, it can be an absolute nightmare to get off. In this video, you’ll discover two simple little hacks you can use to stop that lasso dead in its tracks.

Passing Lazer Guard With An X-Pass

When you find yourself trying to engage an opponent on their back, any attempt you make to gain control over their sleeve, pants or hips will open up an opportunity for them to set up the lazer guard. Pew, Pew, Pew. While this position doesn’t seem as dangerous as the spider or de la riva, one false step can see you tapping out to [...]