Deadlifting To Enter The Double Unders Stack Pass
Your opponent’s gi is tied. Their lapels are tucked in, and you can’t get a grip to anchor yourself and apply pressure.
You gotta act fast, or you risk losing the double unders position…
… what do you do?
In situations like this, desperate – but calculated – measures are required.
And that only means one thing…
It’s time to get explosive!
In this video, you’ll learn how the powerful deadlift can help you enter double unders, stack your opponent and nail the pass.
Integrating The Lapel Into The Double Unders Pressure Pass
Watch this video and learn how to slowly crawl your way past your opponent’s legs to avoid losing this strong double unders pass
Stack Passing A Flexible Opponent From Double Unders
Eventually, you’re going to face an opponent who is, believe it or not, quite comfortable being stacked.
Maybe they’ve been doing mobility exercises, or they’ve had a good night’s sleep on a new mattress, or maybe they’re a closet sadomasochist whose dreams had just come true when you decided to stack them.
Whatever the reason, the fact still remains — you can’t get past their legs!
But don’t worry. We’ve got a little adjustment that will make all that mobility work, the money spent on that mattress, and whatever else they’re into completely useless.
All you have to do is click play on the video above to see what it is.
Optimizing Your Double Unders Pressure Passing
Pressure passing is a grind…
… at least, it looks that way.
But just like every other move and position in jiu jitsu, you can either muscle through the technique, gas out your lungs and build up high levels of lactic acid in your limbs hoping you’ll be successful.
Or you can learn the tweaks and adjustments, elite black belts use, to help you significantly bump up your success rate, with a full gas tank left to spare.
Click play on the video above and watch as Keenan breaks them down for you.
Entering Into Double Unders Pressure Passing
One of Keenan’s bread and butter maneuvers Double under passing has been one of the most popular passing positions in the history of jiu jitsu.
Introduction To Pressure Passing
First impressions are everything, and to ensure your relationship with pressure passing starts off on the right foot, you’ll to need a proper introduction
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Breaking Mechanics
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The Most Basic Omoplata Finish
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Omoplata Entry From Closed Guard
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Closed Guard Hip Bump To Omoplata
In this video, you’ll learn two variations to the hip bump sweep from closed guard that will transform an easily defended sweep into a covert vantage point for sniping your with omoplatas.
Fist Choke From Closed Guard
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