X-Guard Entry From Half Guard
One of the easiest paths to the x-guard begins from half guard. This entry ensures you’ll start the x-guard with your opponent’s hands already on the mat…
Intro To The X-Guard
Keenan highlights some of the fundamental dos and don’ts of the X-Guard, plus the number one thing you’re failing to do if you struggle to finish sweeps…
How To Do The 50/50 Armbar
What’s better than positionally dominating your opponent from the 50/50? Submitting your opponent from the 50/50 with a full tank of gas to spare!
How To Escape The 50/50
Keenan reveals two key things that dictate who’s winning the 50/50 battle – and if you don’t know them, it’s safe to say the winner is not you…
How Not To Get Swept From 50/50
In this video, Keenan reveals the one simple thing you can do to make being swept from the 50/50 guard completely impossible.
50/50 Escape Counter To Backside 50/50
Click here to learn exactly how you can turn your opponent’s enthusiastic 50/50 counter into a one-way ticket to their back.
Countering The 50/50 Underhook Escape
In this video, you’ll learn how a couple of quick grip changes can take you from defending your 50/50 to easily taking your opponent’s back in no time flat.
50/50 Entry From Squid Guard
Learn how the squid guard can provide you with an absolute foolproof entry to the 50/50, plus a couple of tips to reinforce your guard…
Sparring Footage: Legion AJJ FightersChoice Competition Team – June 22nd, 2020
Click here to catch a glimpse of what it’s like to be on the mats with Legion AJJs FightersChoice competition team featuring Keenan Cornelius, …
Entering The 50/50 From Reverse De La Riva
Is your opponent keeping their leg back to avoid your de la riva hook? Chances are they’ve left the back door wide open for your entry to the 50/50…
50/50 Entry And Sweep From Mantis Guard
In this video, you’ll learn how to enter the 50/50 from a super controlled position known as the mantis guard, and all you need is a de la riva hook…
Entering The 50/50 With An Underhook Inversion
In this video, you’ll learn how to remove that uncertainty by entering the 50/50 from a super controlled position known as the mantis guard…