Keenan Online is moving to
Mastering Positions: Attacking & Defending The Back
In this Attacking & Defending The Back Course, you get a chance to learn some world-Class Back Attacks from one of the best Back-Attackers in the game. This Course will take you from fundamental Offensive and Defensive Lessons into Submission Tutorials. With Keenan’s help you will demystify Back control and simultaneously get better at attacking and defending from there. Remember, putting yourself on your […]
Mastering Positions: Side Control
In this brand new course you will first learn the concepts that will help you master this very common position, both offensively and defensively. This will give you a good base to start hopefully spending more time in the offensive situation, from where you can dispatch your opposition with A LOT of different submissions. Enjoy! This Mastering Positions: Side Control Course pairs well with […]
Front headlock course
Course Description Mastering the front headlock means unlocking a crushing knowledge of control. See, the front headlock is not a position one gets points for, but it is a position of control. It can lead to submissions, positional advancements and most importantly misery for your opponent. This course will take you from the basics, the entries into the position to submissions and finally counters. […]

Closed Guard
You’d think that here on KO the closed guard is seen as a relic from the past. A reminder of a simpler time when people weren’t enlightened to the power of the lapel. That is not true at all. Closed guard is still very effective and efficient. You just need to understand it better than the person trying to get out of it. If […]

Open Guard: SLX, X, 50/50, Sit-Up, Lazer, Collar Sleeve, Crab
This is the Place to find all the other Open Guards. This is a shorter course taken into consideration the amount of Open Guards included… …but it gets straight to the point! This Open Guard Course is created with the purpose of giving you the Basic Awareness & Tools needed… …to diversify your Open Guard Game. Also, many of these Open Guards can be […]

Open Guard: Spider Guard
Spider Guard has withstood the test of time. It’s been around for longer than actual spiders… …okay maybe not that long, but you get the idea! Spider Guard is an Extremely Dangerous Guard… …if you’re good at playing it of course. What makes Spider Guard so Dangerous is the fact that you can attack straight away off initial grips when you Pull Guard. It […]

Open Guard: De la Riva & Reverse de la riva
The De la Riva Guard and The Reverse De La Riva Guard are Classic Guards nowadays, even though they were Revolutionary back in the day. Today they’re probably the Most Played Guards in any academy, so it’s important to learn them well. Before you get into this course… …”What is De La Riva Guard?“ Well, to put it into simple terms, De La Riva […]

Seminar Q&A’s
You never really know what kind of questions you will get at the end of a Seminar. Going through these Seminar Q&A Videos will give you a good chance to see how Keenan thinks about Jiu Jitsu (through his answers). There’s also a good chance someone asks exactly what you’ve been wondering recently. Finish all the videos to prove your “Hardcore Keenan Onliner” Status.

Private Lesson Archive
Ever wanted to take a private lesson from Keenan? Those are about as hard to secure as catching a snow leopard in the Himalayas. But that’s why you’re a smart, smart person and you have a Keenan Online subscription. Keenan recorded some of his recent privates to add YOU as a student. Here’s what they cover: Anti Jiu Jitsu Private Lesson Keenan recommends this […]

Mastering Positions: Stand Up
NO KEENAN DOESN’T JUST PULL GUARD. He has Takedowns too! Unless you follow Keenan’s Instagram or Legion Ajj’s Instagram… …you probably wouldn’t know this but… …Keenan is a Green Belt in Judo! Sorry, got a bit defensive here. Over the last couple of months we’ve been growing this Mastering Stand Up Course steadily so you can learn how to plant some people on their […]

Do you like watching sparring? Well this is your lucky day, because here at Keenan Online we have a lot of sparring footage. A LOT. Watching sparring footage as a Jiu Jitsu enthusiast can actually be way more beneficial than you’d think. Often times, in an intense sparring round or in competition, when time and thought seize to exist, we tend to rely on […]

Submissions: Wristlocks
Keenan is a little bit of a wristlock enthusiast. He also has a Wristlock video on YouTube that has almost 2 million views. So yeah, you can beat your a$$ there’s a wristlock course. Enjoy. Working these wristlocks goes well with learning about grip fighting.

Passing De La Riva & Reverse De La Riva
Are you ready to step up your guard passing game? Passing the De La Riva and it’s brother Reverse De La Riva is something you will most likely be forced to do in every sparring session… …unless you’re rolling with someone way more experienced than you, then all you’ll be forced to do is fight your way out of submissions. But anyways! Back to […]

Rolling Review
In this Special Course, Keenan watches Video Footage from his own Matches and Other People’s Matches. Keenan analyzes them for your viewing pleasure. It’s time for you to dive deep into Keenan’s mind and discover how he conceptualizes Jiu Jitsu. This Rolling Review Special Course is a great viewing for when you don’t feel like watching your Classic Instructional Content. Down below, in this […]